Avoid Costly Downtime  with Zabbix

Gain a complete overview of all devices in your OT (Operational Technology) infrastructure with Zabbix, a network monitoring tool, and detect and prevent errors before they happen.


Minimize the Risk of Downtime

Predictive maintenance is crucial to ensure uninterrupted operations. To this end, Zabbix is an essential tool, since the network monitoring software enables you to keep track of everything from physical and virtual servers to applications, cloud services, and more.

Zabbix is a vendor-independent product and can be integrated into any network system. And because it's open source, we can program it to monitor exactly what you want to monitor.

Therefore, you get an OT monitoring solution that is designed with your requirements in mind and built specifically for your plant.

Price Example

Devices Units Price
Server (with 2 separate networks) and setup (base price) 1 40,000 DKK
Windows servers 8 37,600 DKK
Unix/Linux servers 5 23,500 DKK
Switches 3 14,100 DKK
ESXi's 2 9,400 DKK
NAS 1 4,700 DKK
Total (excl. VAT) 129,300 DKK

From First Contact to Handover

1. ​Clarification and Quotation

After we have received your enquiry, we will contact you to discuss expectations and agree on the scope of the project, deadline, etc. In this context, we will ask for configuration drawings and component lists so that we can prepare an accurate estimate.

2. ​Development and Configuration 

After you have approved our quote, we will visit your organisation to look at your processes and systems. We will also extract data so that we can verify testing and communication. Next, we configure your Zabbix setup at our office in Odense.

3. Commissioning and Handover

After we have configured your setup, commissioning and handover follows. You can choose whether Tipatek should train your employees in Zabbix so that you can perform the monitoring yourself, or whether Tipatek should generate reports with recommendations on an ongoing basis. It takes approximately 1 month from order confirmation to handover. 

Gain an Extra Layer of Protection Today

Would you like to hear more about the possibilities of implementing Zabbix? We are always ready to have a non-binding chat about your needs and challenges.

Send us an enquiry via the contact form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

You are also welcome to call us on +45 30 128 128 or write to us at info@tipatek.dk.

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